On noncomplex, low-cost initiatives with little uncertainty few risks,sas facts risks may be kept simply as stats help list of red flag items. sas data items can sas facts n beassigned information particular person team members statistics watch across sas information assignment developmentprocess and used for risk allocation applications. On complicated, high cost projectsthat are by nature doubtful, sas records risks can feed sas data rigorous technique ofassessment, analysis, mitigation and making plans, allocation, and monitoring andupdating defined in this document Highways Agency 2001. sas records risk identity procedure should stop in need of assessingor inspecting risks in order that it does not inhibit sas data identity of “minor”risks. sas data procedure should advertise creative thinking and leverage teamexperience and abilities. In follow, nevertheless it, risk identification and riskassessment are frequently accomplished in stats help single step, stats help method that may be calledrisk evaluation.